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How to Register a Trademark: Understanding Trademark Classes When registering a trademark, it is important to understand the different classes of goods and services that the trademark will apply to. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has designated 45 classes under the Nice International Classification of Goods and Services, with classes 1-34 for goods and classes 35-45 for services. To ensure the success of a trademark application, it is essential to choose the appropriate class of goods or services that accurately represents the scope of the trademark. This means finding the right balance between a class that is too broad and one that is too narrow. It is also important to note that trademark protection only extends to the specific class of goods or services listed in the application. The 45 trademark classes cover a wide range of goods and services. Class 1 includes chemicals used in industry, while class 2 includes paints and varnishes. Class 3 covers cleaning and ...
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